Table of Contents
clinically important bacteria
see also:
clinical classification of bacteria
Gram -ve rods:
- mainly belong to Enterobacteriaceae family & are non-fastidious, facultative anaerobes with fermentative metabolism, oxidase negative, bile tolerant, & if motile then have peritrichous flagella
- obligate anaerobes:
- bacteroidaceae (non-sporing)
- bacteroides (mixed acid f. glucose)
- fusobacterium (butyric acid mainly f. glucose)
- leptotrichia (lactic acid mainly f. glucose)
- facultative anaerobes:
- oxidase negative:
- enterobacteriaceae (ferm., non-fastidious)
- Escherichia (acid f.lactose)
- Edwardsiella
- Citrobacter (acid f.lactose)
- Salmonella (ONPG neg, urea neg; mannitol→gas)
- Shigella (ONPG neg, urea neg; mannitol→no gas)
- Klebsiella (acid f. lactose)
- Enterobacter (acid f. lactose)
- Serratia
- Proteus (ONPG neg. urea pos.)
- Providencia
- Erwinia
- actinobacillus (ferm., pleomorphic fastidious)
- oxidase positive:
- fermentative:
- Vibrio
- Aeromonas
- Pasteurella
- Plesiomonas
- oxidative
- Flavobacterium (variably fac.anaer.)
- obligate aerobes:
- Pseudomonas (oxidase +ve, not ferment.)
- Xanthomonas
- Alcaligenes (oxidase +ve, alkali producing)
- fastidious
Gram -ve coccobacilli:
- facultative anaerobes
- Haemophilus (fastid.,)
- obligate aerobes
- Brucella (fastid. needs vitamins)
- Bordetella (complex media with nicotinic acid)
- Francisella (highly fastid.)
Gram -ve coccoids:
- obligate aerobes
- Neisseria (bean-shaped diplococci, fastid., oxidase +ve)
- N. gonorrhoeae (gonococcus)
- N. meningitidis (meningococcus)
- Acinetobacter
- Moraxella (oxidase +ve)
- Branhamella (oxidase +ve)
- anaerobes
- Veillonella (oxidase neg., fastid.)
- intracellular
- Rickettsia
- Coxsiella
- Chlamydia
Gram -ve Spiral/Curved:
- Spirillum (aerob/microaerophilic)
- Campylobacter (microaerophilic/anaerobic)
- Spirochaetaceae (helically coiled)
- Treponema
- Borrelia
- Leptospira
Gram +ve rods:
- sporing:
- Bacilli (aerobic)
- Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)
- Clostridium (anaerobic with variable O2 tolerance)
- see also tetanus, Clostridium difficile
- non-sporing:
- Lactobacilli
- Listeria
- Erysipelothrix
- coryneform & filamentous:
- Corynebacterium
- Propionibacterium
- Actinomyces
- Nocardia
- mycobacteria (not really Gram +ve)
- Streptomyces
Gram +ve cocci:
- catalase +ve
- Micrococcaceae
- staphylococcus (fermentative)
- Staph. aureus
- Micrococcus (oxidative)
- catalase -ve
- Streptococcaceae (fac. anaerobes, pairs or chains)
- Str. pyogenes
- Str. pneumoniae pneumococcus
- Peptococcaceae (oblig. anaerobes)
- Peptococcus (no chains usually)
- Peptostreptococcus (pairs or chains)
Cell wall deficient bacteria:
- Mycoplasmataceae
- Mycoplasma (need sterols, most fac.anaer.)
- Acholeplasma (do not need sterols)
- Ureaplasma (hydrolyse urea, need urea & sterols)
- L forms of Classical bacteria (require hypertonicity)
- NB. induced by antibiotics/lysozyme/Ab-C/osmotic/etc.
- Need phase contrast or Giemsa stain;
- stable L-forms (wholly cell wall defic. abn. form)
- not able to revert;
- unstable L forms (partly defic. cell wall abn. form)
- revert to normal form of bacteria if inducing factor withdrawn;
Pyogenic bacteria:
- Include:
- pyogenic cocci - S.aureus; Str.pyogenes/pneumoniae; N.mening./gono.
- Gram-ve rods - E.coli; Proteus; Ps.aerug.; Bacteroides;
bacteria.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/22 05:47 by gary1