Use of mercurials to Rx syphilis & their common diuretic side effect led to the use of mercurial diuretics in 1920's & despite toxicity, these potent loop diuretics dominated Rx of CCF until advent of modern loop diuretics.
The diuretic side effect of sulphonamide antibiotics resulted in acetazolamide - a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 1st used in 1930's.
Further research on sulphonamides led to thiazide diuretics in the 1950's & then, in early 1960's, to frusemide, the protypic sulphonamide diuretic in this group.
Organic bases that inhibit electrogenic entry of Na in distal segments nephron, thus reducing the electrical potential across tubular epithelium (one of the normal driving forces for K secretion).
In addition,
they are not carbonic anhydrase inhib.;
may cause slight urine pH as decr. proton secretion distal nephron;
prox.tub. Na-H exchange inhib. (amiloride only? but only @ v.high [ ]);
decr. Ca excretion (amiloride) additive to thiazide effect;
50% absorbed orally (no parenteral form), large VD ;
Triamterene extensively metab. but amiloride not metabolised;
Both secreted in proximal tubule ? via organic anion secretory mechanism;