Osmotic diuretics
see also diuretics, head_injury, glaucoma
Osmotic Diuretics:
- Must be:
- freely filtered by glomerulus;
- limited reabsorption in tubule;
- relatively inert;
- given in sufficiently large doses to incr. osmol. of plasma & glom.filtrate;
- Result in:
- decr. prox. tubule water reabsorption → decr. luminal [Na];
- decr. tubule Na reabs. due to: abn. low tub. [Na]
- incr. Na flux from peritub. → lumen;
- decr. med. osm. → decr. thin asc. Na reabs.
- via incr. medullary blood flow;
- PG effect of mannitol;
- thus → potentially very high diuresis rates & all often → headache/N/V;
- acute renal failure prophylaxis & early Rx may decr. [toxin] in tubules;
- decr. CSF volume & pressure; decr. intraocular pressure;
- mannitol, urea, glucose in diabetes, urographic/angiographic agents, isosorbide, glycerin;
- Not absorbed from GIT → 5-25% IV solutions;
- Distributed in ECF → short term Rx may incr. ECF osm. → incr. ECFV;
- Dose:
- diuretic: 200mg/kg over 3-5min test dose should → > 30ml/hr urine 2-3hrs;
- 50-200g/d adults adjusted to maintain urine flow 50ml/hr;
- CSF/glaucoma: 1.5-2g/kg 15-25% over 30-60min.
- C/I:
- anuria; marked pulmonary oedema; marked dehydration;
- i/cranial haemorrhage unless prior to craniotomy;
- Toxicity: terminate if pulm. oedema/CCF/ incr. renal dysfunction;
- less effective as 50% reabs.; more irritating tissues; 30% IV 1-1.5g/kg;
- thrombosis/pain if extravasation;
- metab. → hyperglycaemia & glycosuria & little diuresis, but oral esp. for glaucoma;
diuretics_osmotic.txt · Last modified: 2008/10/01 07:17 by