Table of Contents
ulcerative colitis
see also:
- annual incidence in USA 1 case per 1000 white adults and rising
- affects all age groups, esp. 3rd & 4th decades of life
- almost exclusive to industrialised nations with urban > rural
- FH UC in 10-15%
- whites 4x risk cf non-whites
- M=F although increased risk if on OCP
- outside the tropics, it is the commonest cause of prolonged bloody diarrhoea
- inflammatory reaction of the mucosa of the colon:
- always arises 1st in the rectum
- rectum is only part involved in 10-38% cases
- pancolitis occurs in 10% cases
- uniformly continuous disease process with no skip lesions
- mucosal appearance:
- thick inflammatory exudate of pus, blood, mucus covering irregular shallow ulcers interspersed with islands of swollen mucosa (“pseudopolyps”)
- increased mucosal friability
- microscopic “crypt abscesses”
- chronic disease results in colon becoming rigid, foreshortened tube lacking haustral markings
- sacroiliitis, ankylosing spondylitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, hepatitis, amyloid
- colonic Ca
clinical features
initial presentation:
- chronic insidious recurrent abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss, mild diarrhoea
- acute onset of bloody diarrhoea, abdo. pain, +/- tenesmus, vomiting & fever
- often associated with:
- emotional stress, infections, other acute illnesses
- pregnancy, dietary indiscretions, use of cathartics or antibiotics
- withdrawal of anti-inflammatory or steroid Rx
- extraGIT manifestations may be present in up to 20% cases:
- peripheral arthritis, apthous ulcers, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
fulminant colitis
- occurs in 10-15% pts
- parameters suggestive of this:
- > 6-8 stools per day
- anaemia - H'crit < 30% (may not be evident until after rehydration)
- T > 38deg C
- LOW > 10% of premorbid weight
- tachycardia
- se albumin < 30g/L
- failure of usually effective Rx regimes
- failure of 5-7 day course of intensive outpatient Rx
toxic megacolon
- a manifestation of fulminant disease which usually occurs during initial acute episode
- mainly involves transverse colon causing:
- septic, apathetic, lethargic looking pt
- high fever, chills, tachycardia
- progressive abdoinal pain, tenderness & distension
- 25% result in perforation
- precipitants may include:
- use of anti-diarrhoeal agents
- vigorous use of cathartics/enemas or barium enema
- 50% occur in pts with fulminant disease without toxic megacolon
- 50% occur in pts with toxic megacolon
large bowel obstruction due to stricture formation
- 10% pts
massive GI haemorrhage (<1% pts)
- <1% of patients
perirectal abscess / anal fistula
- 15% pts
- tend to occur in 1st year of disease & correlate with severity
colon carcinoma:
- risk related to severity & duration of disease esp. over last 10-15 years
- risk appears to be 1% per person per year if have pancolitis
- overall risk 11% after 26yrs
diagnosis of UC:
confirmed by:
- if acute, non-fulminating disease:
- colonoscopy (C/I in fulminating disease as risk of perforation) & evaluation of biopsies
- chronic disease:
- barium enema no longer Ix of choice (C/I in fulminating disease as may cause toxic megacolon or perforation if toxic megacolon is present) but may show:
- rigid, shortened colon with loss of haustrations & destruction of mucosal pattern ⇒ “hoselike” colon
- if acute, fulminating disease:
- gentle sigmoidoscopy may be diagnostic as rectum always involved in UC but is indistinguishable from infectious causes
- plain AXR & erect CXR to exclude:
- toxic megacolon:
- transverse colon dilated > 6cm (usually > 8cm)
- islands of necrotic tissue or gas in the bowel wall may be seen
- perforation:
- free gas under diaphragm
differential diagnosis of UC:
- infectious colitis - Campylobacter, Shigella, enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, C. difficile (colitis_pseudomembranous)
- acute ameobiasis - can be difficult to detect in stool, so do serology too
- Crohn's disease - 20% of cases cannot de distinguished histologically or clinically from Crohn's
- in AIDS pts:
- chronic diarrhoea & diffuse colonic involvement of Kaposi's sarcoma
- in elderly pts in particular:
- carcinoma of colon
management of UC:
- admit any new patient suspected of acute UC for Ix and initial control of disease if confirmed:
- Ix:
- gentle sigmoidoscopy
- U&E, FBE, ESR, stool m/c/s ('hot' stool for amoebiasis), serology for amoebiasis
- AXR, erect CXR
- Mx in ED:
- inform surgeons/gastro. unit
- if severe disease then 5 day regime:
- nil orally
- IV maintenance fluids
- twice daily physical examination - inform surgeons of progress
- record stool frequency & character as well as TPR,BP
- daily: FBE, U&E, plain XRs, abdo. girth
- IV hydrocortisone 100mg 6h (reduce dose after a week according to response)
- hydrocortisone acetate foam enema 125mg x ii/day (reduce after a week prn)
- IM vitamins
- consider need for TPN
- AVOID anti-diarrhoeals (may cause toxic megacolon)
- indications for proctocolectomy & ileostomy (total surgical mortality 2-7%):
- deteriorating colitis after 5 days
- toxic megacolon
- perforation
- less severely ill:
- steroids po / PR
- maintaining remission:
- 5-amino-salicylic acid Rx either:
- sulphasalazine 1g bd po reduces relapse rate by 65%
- SE: rash, infertility
- mesalazine 400-800mg tds po is s effective as sulphasalazine but without the sulphonamide side effects
steroids prn
- azathioprine for 6months may reduce need for steroids
- monitor FBE
- carcinoma surveillance:
- 1-2yrly colonoscopy (more frequent if high grade dysplasia)
- if known UC with mild exacerbations or isolated proctitis then can be Mx as outpatients
prognosis of UC:
- poor if early severe illness or extensive disease
ulcerative_colitis.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/10 10:33 by