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scombroid histamine food poisoning due to spoiled fish
see also:
- a form of potentially fatal dose related food poisoning due to a build up of chemical toxins due to inadequate refrigeration in certain types of fish such as:
- Scombroidea fish (eg, large dark meat marine tuna, albacore, skipjack, bonito, marlin)
- other fish, such as mahi-mahi, amberjack,sardine, yellowtail, herring, and bluefish
- symptoms are related to the ingestion of biogenic amines, especially histamine which may be present at 20-50 mg per 100 g of fish (compared with the usual levels of < 0.1mg per 100g)
- histamine is produced via bacterial decarboxylation of histidine
- scombroid poisoning is the most common chemical agent type of food-borne disease found in the US
- more common in nations with a warm water fishing industry
- cooking does not deactivate the toxins
- it is difficult to detect at risk spoiled fish although some may taste peppery
clinical features
- degree of symptoms depends upon:
- concentration of toxins
- amount of fish ingested
- how cold the fish was before cooking - thawed surfaces may contain more toxins
- individual sensitivities to histamines
- concurrent medications which may interfere with histamine metabolism such as isoniazid (via blockade of GI tract histaminase)
- onset of symptoms is usually 10-30 minutes after ingestion and are similar to those of anaphylaxis
- flushing, anxiety, palpitations, headache, oral paraesthesiae
- abdo pain, nausea, vomiting
- diffuse, macular, blanching erythema
- tachycardia
- wheezing
- hypotension or hypertension
- diagnosis is clinical although a normal serum tryptase within 1-2 hours potentially excludes anaphylaxis as a cause
- histamine levels in the fish can be measured to confirm diagnosis is needed
- most are self-limiting
- general supportive Mx
- antihistamines (H1) and H2-type antihistamines should be given
- bronchodilators if wheezing
- iv fluids if hypotense
- oxygen if hypoxic
- consider adrenaline / epinephrine if refractory hypotension or wheezing
scombroid.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/15 23:42 by wh