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haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS)


  • 1st defined as a syndrome in 1955
  • causes a similar clinical condition to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) but with:
    • being more common in children
    • less neurologic abnormalities
    • more renal impairments
    • ADAMTS13 levels above 5%
    • positive test for shiga-toxin/enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) (if this is negative then it is termed atypical HUS)


  • 1.5 per 100,000 people are affected per year

Clinical features

  • usually have initial bloody diarrhoea due to a shiga toxin E.coli gastroenteritis after eating contaminated food, the first symptoms of infection can emerge anywhere from 1 to 10 days later, but usually after 3 to 4 days
    • most common form of transmission is ingestion of undercooked meat, unpasteurized fruits and juices, contaminated produce, contact with unchlorinated water, and person-to-person transmission in daycare or long-term care facilities
    • mini-epidemics occasionally occur from the sale of contaminated foods
  • HUS typically develops about 5–10 days after the first symptoms, but can take up to 3 weeks to manifest, and occurs at a time when the diarrhea is improving
  • fever
  • anaemia with schistocytes
  • neurologic symptoms
  • mortality < 5%
  • 25% of survivors have chronic renal failure


  • most cases occur after infectious diarrhea due to a specific type of Shiga-toxin producing E. coli called O157:H7 (STEC)
    • the binding action of Shiga-toxin also inactivates a metalloproteinase called ADAMTS13, the deficiency of which causes the closely related TTP.
  • some are due to either:
    • S. pneumoniae
    • Shigella
    • Salmonella
    • certain medications
  • Unlike typical HUS, atypical HUS does not follow STEC infection and is thought to result from one or several genetic mutations that cause chronic, uncontrolled, and excessive activation of complement


  • supportive care
  • may include dialysis, steroids, blood transfusions, or plasmapheresis.
hus.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/09 06:43 by gary1

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