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growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15)
see also:
- the peptide hormone growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) wa discovered in 1997 and has been found to have a range of roles in physiology and pathophysiologic processes
- it was previously known as MIC1, NAG1, PLAB, or PTGFB
- it belongs to the TGF-β superfamily based on a characteristic seven cysteine region
- GDF15 circulates as a 25kDa dimer linked by a single inter-chain disulphide bond
- GDF15 likely evolved in the common ancestor of jawed vertebrates
- there is a high level of conservation observed in the C-terminal region of the protein that represents the mature peptide in mammals, reptiles, amphibians, bony fish, and birds.
- the human GDF15 gene is located on the forward strand of the short arm of chromosome 19 (19p13.11), flanked by the pyroglutamyl-peptidase I (PGPEP1) and leucine rich repeat containing 25 (LRRC25) genes upstream and downstream, respectively 1)
- expression of its gene is one of the genes enriched in a model system of macrophage activation
- acts on the brain stem centres via GFRAL receptors where it causes anorexia and nausea
- potential important regulatory actions on embryogenesis in keeping with its placental origin
- inhibits the secretion of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) from macrophages in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Normal physiologic state
- “Under normal non-pregnant physiological conditions, circulating GDF15 levels are low, typically less than 1000 pg/ml, but are increased by a wide range of acute stressors such as sepsis and inflammation, and are characteristically persistently elevated in a number of chronic disease states, for example reaching levels of 10,000–100,000 pg/ml in patients with advanced cancers” “ It is markedly elevated at birth at concentrations of 3000 pg/ml, declining to levels within the healthy adult normal range within the first 4 months of life” 2)
- GDF15 levels were not significantly altered following a glucose tolerance test
- short- to medium-term imposed caloric deficits have modest or no effect on GDF15 levels
- sustained caloric excess consisting of high-fat feeding for 7 days or an additional 40% of weight maintenance energy requirements for 8 weeks did not alter circulating GDF15
- GDF15 levels increase with chronic over-nutrition (perhaps via adipose tissue inflammatory response and released from macrophages) or with specific nutritional deficits such as amino-acid imbalanced diets
- intense exercise increases GDF15 levels by about a third by 1hr and by about 2/3rds by 2hrs (4-fold increases after an ultra-marathon)
- high altitude increases GDF15 levels
- increasing age: GDF15 levels changed by 11% on average after 5 years of follow-up, and is a biomarker of age
Other causes of increased serum levels result
- pregnancy - produced by the feto-placental unit in large amounts and in those with prenatally low levels of GDF15 and thus sensitive to higher levels, are at higher risk of developing hyperemesis gravidarum 3)
- patients with beta thallaesaemia
- metformin - elevates circulating GDF15 chronically in humans and the weight loss caused by this drug appears to be dependent on the rise in GDF15
- as part of the cellular integrated stress response (ISR)
- cellular stress results in phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) which remodels cellular translation, suppressing global protein synthesis while simultaneously activating transcription of an adaptive gene program via the ISR-effector, activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) with the net effect of repartitioning of nutrients and the biosynthetic machinery to specific pathways that adapt cells to stress - this pathway is a potent regulator of GDF15 in a variety of cell types 4)
- toxin exposure (drugs and industrial toxins) on rats have demonstrated upregulation of GDF15 expression, primarily in the kidney
- GDF15 is also upregulated in human duodenal mucosa from patients suffering from cholera infection
- smoking increases GDF15 secretion
- atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- mitochondrial diseases
- critical illness due to acute infection (sepsis, ARDS, etc)
- obesity
- over-expression of p53 in cancers - causing cachexia
- other stimuli that have been suggested to utilize p53 to induce GDF15 include C-reactive protein in endothelial cells and vitamin D in prostate cancer cell lines
- EGR1 may be a direct transcriptional regulator of GDF15 (eg. over-expressed in colonic cancers)
- frailty
GDF15 blockers
- ponsegromab
- monoclonal antibody which blocks GDF15
gdf15.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/20 00:30 by gary1