Table of Contents
ethanol (alcohol and alcohol withdrawal)
see also:
- Western Health policies (intranet only):
- ethanol is primarily a CNS depressant acting by stimulating GABAA receptor in the CNS.
- from 1996-2005 throughout Australia, each year, an average of over 80,000 were hospitalised, and over 3,000 died from alcohol attributable injury and disease caused by risky/high risk drinking - mainly due to alcohol dependence, falls, assaults and alcohol abuse1)
- current advice suggests no more than 2 glasses alcohol per day long term, and no more than 4 glasses alcohol on any one occasion.
- middle aged men who drink more than 3 standard drinks a day have faster cognitive decline with age, speeding up memory loss by up to 6 years 2)
- rapidly absorbed, peak 30-90min from time of last drink, delayed with food
- initial “overshoot” as distrib. to brain before muscle - minimised by exercise;
- uniformly distributed in all body tissues Vd=0.6-0.9L/kg (0.1 less in females);
- air:blood part. coeff. 2100:1 (ie. same amount in 2100ml air if 5.26% CO2 → 216mg CO2 as 1ml blood) & after taking into account the decreased resp. quotient due to alcohol ingestion, thus the amount ethanol accompanying 190ml exp. CO2 = that in 1ml blood;
- 90-98% oxidised by liver cytosol alcohol dehydrogenase (Km=7.4mg/dl) using NAD ⇒ acetaldehyde which is converted via aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetyl CoA.
- genetic polymorphism of both alcohol & aldehyde dehydrogenase;
- NB. up to 25% metab. by hep. microsomal NADPH/cytoch.P450 oxidising system which may be induced 5-fold by chronic intake → 2x overall increase in ethanol metabolism rate;
- rate of elimination: 80-150mg/kg b.wt/hr with mean of 100 (= 7g/hr in 70kg man)
- see also ethanol dependence
- induction of microsomal system → 2x elimination rate;
Pharmacodynamic tolerance
- effects greater in rising than falling or constant level phase;
- diuretic effect, CNS “intoxication”;
- cross-tolerance occurs (see below);
- ? behaviourally augmented tolerance - a learned ability to cope;
- mainly for low doses only; higher doses near lethal range no tolerance!
- cross-tolerance occurs to CNS depressants;
Acute actions
CNS effects
- 1st effects those processes that depend on training & previous experience & that usually make for sobriety & self-restraint.
- Memory, concentration & insight are dulled & then lost;
- confidence abounds, personality ⇒ expansive & vivacious;
- uncontrolled mood swings & emotional outbursts may occur;
- sensory & motor disturbances ⇒ sedation with resp. depression;
- effects are generally proportional to blood [ethanol] but greater when rising than falling;
acute toxicity
CNS effects
- (cortical then limbic then cerebellar & finally brain stem):
- [ ] < 0.02%
- ⇒ euphoria, some disorder of cognitive & motor function
- ⇒ disinhibition and increased sexual desire (but impaired sexual responsiveness)
- ⇒ decreased seizure threshold
- ⇒ inhibition of ADH release in proportion to [ethanol]
- (but only when it is [ethanol] is rising!) → diuresis
- [ ] > 0.2%
- ⇒ cerebellar ataxia, memory impairment
- ⇒ narcosis, decreased CO2 drive
- ⇒ risk of mononeuropathy due to prolonged nerve compression
- [ ] > 0.3-0.4%
- ⇒ risk of coma & fatal respiratory arrest
CVS effects:
- vasodilatation (unless severe intoxication affecting vasomotor centre)
- ⇒ hypothermia, mild hypotension
- increased exercise-induced angina if IHD
Other acute toxicity effects:
- increased adrenal medulla catecholamine release
- ⇒ hyperglycaemia, pupillary dilatation, slight increase BP;
- increased gastric secretions & irritative to mucosa if 40% alcohol
- ⇒ increased risk peptic ulceration
- acute fatty liver within a few days of even modest alcohol consumption
- acute hepatitis +/- steatorrhoea in bouts of heavy drinking:
- most cases are probably subclinical
- spectrum ranges from minimal nausea, vomiting & abdo. pain to acute liver failure
- ⇒ tachycardia, fever, hypotension, RUQ tenderness, +/- jaundice
- ⇒ LFT's: elevated AST, ALT usually < 10x normal with ALT < AST
- ⇒ FBE: neutrophilia of 10000-20000 common
- check PT, U&E, acid-base for alcoholic ketoacidosis, deranged electrolytes & liver dysfunction
- may need to exclude viral hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, CBD obstruction (see hepatobiliary imaging)
- Mx is primarily supportive:
- correct fluid & electrolyte imbalance
- antiemetics
- watch for & Rx hypoglycaemia
- give thiamine 100mg IV BEFORE any glucose to avoid inducing acute Wernicke's enceph.
- give empirical magnesium replacement Rx unless C/I by renal failure or known hypermagnesaemia
- high-calorie, vitamin supplemented diet
- restrict protein if evidence of cirrhosis or incipient encephalopathy
- H2 antagonists &/or antacids to Rx coexisting gastritis
- look for & Rx GIT bleeding
- admission to hospital generally NOT required unless concern over:
- degree of fluid & electrolyte abnormality
- ability to retain oral intake
- coexistent diagnoses/complications
- patient's social situation
- acute fiber rhabdomyolysis
- acute pancreatitis
Chronic use toxicity
- Liver:
- fatty change (steatosis) most likely due to diminished NAD+/NADH ratio which favors TG production
- direct function of the duration & amount of alcohol consumed
- in general, is reversible with cessation of alcohol
- ⇒ benign, usually painless hepatomegaly
- alcoholic cirrhosis
- ⇒ portal hypertension → oesophageal varices
- ⇒ hypoalbuminaemia → oedema & ascites
- ⇒ impaired production of clotting factors
- ⇒ impaired metabolism of drugs
- CNS:
- ? cerebral atrophy
- Korsakoff's encephalopathy - memory impairment, confabulation
- adolescent alcohol intoxication gives ~5x risk of young onset dementia in men (median age onset 54yrs), this increases to 20x risk if combined with 2 other risk factors such as depression, antipsychotic use, substance abuse, FH father with dementia, or being in lower 1/3rd percentiles for cognition or height.3)
- Heart:
- irreversible congestive cardiomyopathy
- Sk.muscle:
- chronic fiber rhabdomyolysis → myopathy
- Testes:
- atrophy → sterility
- decreased testosterone production, increased metabolism, & increased oestrogen production → gynaecomastia, impotence
- Pancreas:
- chronic pancreatitis
- GIT:
- peptic ulceration
- constipation or diarrhoea
- impaired absorption esp. of thiamine
- Blood:
- sideroblastic & megaloblastic anaemia; thrombocytopenia;
- decr. leukocyte migration → decr. inflamm. response to infection;
- Thiamine or other nutritional deficiency (due to poor food intake & impaired absorption):
- CNS:
- Wernicke's encephalopathy - ataxia, confusion, ophthalmoplegia
- cerebellar degeneration
- PNS:
- peripheral neuropathy - demyelination
ethanol.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/10 00:15 by