Table of Contents
erythema nodosum
- painful red nodules usually over both shins (but may occur elsewhere) due to a hypersensitivity inflammatory reactions of the subcutaneous fat cells (panniculitis)
- often associated with fever, malaise, and joint pain
- nodules usually subside over a period of 2–6 weeks without ulceration or scarring
- diagnosis is clinical but patients are usually investigated to exclude important causal precipitant conditions
- an association with the HLA-B27 histocompatibility antigen, which is present in 65% of patients with erythema nodosum
- peak incidence between 18–36 years of age
- women are 3-6 times more affected than men
precipitant conditions
- 30-50% are idiopathic
- pregnancy
- medications - combined oral contraceptive pill (OCP), sulphonamides
- vaccinations
- Coccidioides immitis
- Behçet's disease
- lepromatous leprosy
- these should be targetted according to likely precipitants
- FBE, ESR, ASOT, throat swab, urinalysis
- CXR - hilar LNs may be due to TB, sarcoidosis or Löfgren syndrome (a form of acute sarcoidosis with erythema nodosum, bilateral hilar adenopathy, fever, and often accompanied by joint symptoms).
- consider TB screen
- Rx any streptococcal infection or other underlying cause
- bed rest, elevation of legs, compressive bandages
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are more useful in acute forms
- Corticosteroids and colchicine can be used in severe refractory cases
erythema_nodosum.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/31 00:52 by