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dermatitis herpetiformis


  • rare, chronic pruritic papulo-vesicular auto-immune skin disorder mainly occurring in people with coeliac disease which accounts for 80% of cases, other associations not related to gluten intolerance include:
  • 2/3rds of patients are male, and usually affects young adults
  • associated with HLA DQ2 DQ8

clinical features

  • very itchy papules (“prurigo papules”) and vesicles which arise on normal or reddened skin
  • often symmetric and tends to involve scalp, shoulders, buttocks, elbows and knees
  • often resembles scabies or dermatitis


  • IgA antibodies directed against epidermal transgluataminase (eTG).
  • skin biopsy to confirm Dx - IgA in dermal papillae with neutrophils and eosinophils


  • gluten free diet if coeliac disease
  • dapsone 50-300mg/d as per dermatologist advice
dermatitis_herpetiformis.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/05 13:40 by

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