Table of Contents
- androgens are substances that directly result in androgenic effects
androgenisation may occur via:
- increased bioavailable androgen levels:
- increased free testosterone:
- increased total testosterone:
- adrenogenital syndrome (v. uncommon):
- 21beta hydroxylase (90% cases) or 11 beta hydroxylase (1% cases) deficiencies result in inability to synthesise cortisone & thus the resultant high ACTH levels cause build up of steroids which get shunted into manufacture of androgens resulting in virilisation & if severe in females, female pseudohermaphroditism although masculinisation may not appear marked until later in life, & mild cases only on biochemical testing.
- androgen-secreting Leydig cell testicular tumours (rare) ⇒ precocious pseudopuberty
- puberty (males & females)
- decreased sex hormone binding globulin:
- puberty (males & females)
- increased conversion from testosterone via increased target tissue 5 alpha reductase:
- increased other androgens:
- exogenous eg. anabolic steroid use
- 3 beta-hydroxysteroid deficiency (rare) ⇒ elevated DHEA levels but low testosterone levels:
- masculinisation of females
- hypospadias in males and precocious pseudopuberty
- decreased oestrogen (relative androgenism in females):
- menopause
- anti-oestrogen Rx
male sex hormone overview:
role of kisspeptin
- see also kisspeptin
- Kisspeptin neurons exist in close apposition with GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus
- Kisspeptin stimulates GnRH neurons (via Kisspeptin receptor - but may require oestradiol to work) leading to GnRH release and leads to an increase in circulating lutenizing hormone (LH) levels
role of FSH in males:
- follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is tropic to the Sertoli cells & with androgens maintain the gametogenic function of the testes
- stimulates secretion of androgen binding protein & Inhibin
- Sertoli cells:
- secrete androgen binding protein which probably functions to maintain a high, stable supply of androgen in the tubular fluid
- secrete inhibin which provides negative feedback on FSH secretion
- MIS which causes regression of Mullerian ducts in males during fetal life
- are responsible for spermatogenesis
role of LH in males:
- LH is tropic to Leydig cells & stimulates secretion of testosterone
role of testosterone in males:
- negative feedback on LH secretion
- development & maintenance of secondary sex characteristics & sexual function
- anabolic effects
- aromatization of testosterone ⇒ oestrogen
- stimulates growth hormone secretion ⇒ reduced fat mass
- principle hormone of the testes
- a C19 steroid synthesized from cholesterol via 17a-hydroxylase:
- cholesterol ⇒
- pregnenolone (via LH-induced c-AMP activation of protein kinase A)
- 17alpha hydroxylase ⇒ 17a-hydroxy-pregnenolone ⇒ DHEA ⇒ androstenedione
- androstenedione (secreted from adrenal cortex):
- in Leydig cells ⇒ testosterone
- in some target tissues via 5 alpha reductase ⇒ dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
- the 5-alpha reductase enzyme is of 2 types:
- type I enzyme is found predominantly in sebaceous glands
- type II enzyme is found in hair follicles (and the prostate gland)
- testosterone can be metabolised to
- oestradiol via aromatase (forms 70% of male oestrogen)
- in adrenal cortex:
- ⇒ androstenedione secreted into circulation (controlled by ACTH not by LH or FSH)
- in liver ⇒ androsterone & others (weak androgens with < 20% activity of testosterone)
- ⇒ testosterone
- small amount via adrenal cortex under control of ACTH (males & females)
- 3 peaks of testosterone secretion:
- testosterone secretion in males begins in fetal life with peak concentrations seen at 12 weeks of gestation.
- after birth there is a second peak of testosterone secretion, then, until puberty, testosterone levels are low and similar to those in girls.
- in young men, there is diurnal variation in serum testosterone concentration, with the highest values seen at 8 AM and the lowest in late afternoon
- 98% of the circulating testosterone is bound to plasma proteins, the remaining 2% of free testosterone is responsible for its biological activity
- 40% of the bound testosterone is bound to sex-hormone-binding globulin. The rest is weakly bound to albumin and is readily available to tissues when needed, hence known as “bioavailable testosterone.”
- the Androgen Index (100 × total testosterone/sex-hormone-binding globulin) is another measure of bioavailability.
- DHT also circulates but at level 10% of testosterone
target organs:
- testosterone is metabolized to dihydrotestosterone by 5-alpha reductase and to estradiol by aromatase.
- both DHT & testosterone bind the same receptor, however, DHT's receptor binding is more stable & thus is a way of amplifying the action of testosterone at target tissues
- most is converted into 17-ketosteroids (most are weak androgens) & excreted in urine
- a small amount is converted into oestrogen by aromatase
- aromatase deficiency in males results in osteoporosis
embryologic actions:
- the presence of testis-determining factor (TDF) (produced from Y chromosome) stimulates development of Leydig cells in the 7th-8th weeks of gestation causing the cortex to regress and the medulla to develop into a testis
- the testis secrete:
- mullerian inhibiting factor (MIS) (via Sertoli cells):
- inhibits development of female internal genitalia & with testosterone stimulates development of male internal genitalia
- testosterone (via Leydig cells):
- testosterone levels peak at 12 weeks
- development of male internal & external genitalia
- development of the “male” brain
- stimulate osteoblast differentiation
neonatal actions:
- 2nd peak of testosterone levels occur after birth
- a neonatal dose of testosterone in female rats results in adult androgenisation & insulin resistance, thus hormonal imprinting!
adolescent/adult actions:
- 3rd peak of testosterone levels occurs at puberty resulting in development of secondary sex characteristics
- higher levels ⇒ androgenic effects
- low levels in males ⇒ androgen deficiency ⇒ impotence, etc
androgenic effects:
develop & maintain male secondary sex characteristics:
- males:
- testosterone is necessary for libido, erectile function, and normal ejaculation
- increased size of penis, seminal vesicles, prostate & bulbourethral glands
- the issue of whether androgens cause prostate cancer has not been settled
- scrotal pigmentation & rugose
- with FSH, maintains gametogenesis
- laryngeal enlargement ⇒ voice deeper
- terminal hair growth:
- male pattern hair growth - male escutcheon
- androgenetic alopecia (prostaglandin D2 appears to have a role in mediating baldness)
- sebaceous gland secretion thickens & increases ⇒ acne
- more aggression
- antidepressant properties
- sex drive:
- males:
- more sexual thoughts, more sexual activity incl. masturbation which in turn produces more testosterone in men
- negative role in attachment ⇒ marry less, more abusive in marriage, divorce more often
- nb. testosterone levels tend to fall if attachment does occur, such as after birth of 1st baby
- in healthy eugonadal men with erectile dysfunction, testosterone administration resulted in an increased frequency of ejaculation and masturbation, sexual desire, and sleep-related erections
- females:
- libido effects?
actions in embryonic females:
- female pseudohermaphroditism
actions in adolescent females:
- responsible for some of the female secondary sex characteristics:
- terminal hair growth:
- axillary, groin hair growth
- clitorimegaly
actions in adult females:
- excessive levels cause androgenisation:
- hirsutism
- androgenetic alopecia
- acne
- clitorimegaly
- insulin resistance
anabolic, growth-promoting effect
- role in adolescent growth spurt
- moderate sodium, potassium, water, calcium, sulphate & phosphate retention
- increase size of kidneys
actions on bone:
- cause fusion of epiphyses
- inhibit the expression of interleukin-6, also known as osteoclast activating factor
- dihydrotestosterone enhances mitogenesis in bone cells by inducing transforming growth factor beta mRNA and by enhancing the binding of insulin-like growth factor II to osteoblasts
anabolic effect on muscles:
- muscles enlarge, shoulders broaden
- stimulate mitosis in myoblasts by stimulating ribosomal activity and RNA polymerase synthesis
- increased synthesis of contractile and noncontractile muscle proteins, increased intramuscular concentrations of mRNA for insulin-like growth factor I, and decreased abdominal fat mass resulting from lipolysis and decreased lipid uptake into the abdominal fat depot
haemopoietic effects:
- androgens stimulate erythropoeisis by enhancing erythropoietin production by means of receptor-mediated transcription and by a direct effect on bone marrow
- exogenous androgens have direct stimulatory effects on bone marrow stem cell
- testosterone also enhances the production of heme and globin
- androgens also increase erythropoietin production in extrarenal sources, such as in anephric patients
- testosterone therapy has been shown to increase 2,3, diphosphoglycerate levels in the blood
lipid profile effects:
- administration of oral non-aromatizable androgens (“anabolic steroids”), result in a significant increase in LDL cholesterol and decrease in HDL cholesterol levels. Athletes abusing high doses of these agents have an increased risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.
- the effects of testosterone replacement on lipids are conflicting:
- transdermal testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men resulted in an 8% decrease in HDL cholesterol and 9% increase in total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio
- testosterone replacement in the form of gel (Andro-Gel) in hypogonadal men did not show any adverse effects on lipid profile
- testosterone therapy has not been associated with the risk of cardiovascular events in hypogonadal elderly men
immune system effects:
- androgens appear to reduce insidence of auto-immune disease, the beneficial effects of androgen appear to be on suppressor cells, since healthy men have a higher CD8/CD4 (suppressor/helper) ratio than do healthy women
sleep apnoea:
- sleep apnoea syndromes are more common in men than in women
- among women, they are more common among those who are postmenopausal
- testosterone has been linked to the increased incidence of sleep apnoea in men:
- increased upper airway collapsibility during sleep in a patient receiving testosterone therapy that reversed after cessation of treatment
- testosterone administration has also been shown to blunt the central response to CO2
inhibitory feedback on pituitary LH secretion
- and only in high doses inhibits FSH secretion
androgens.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/13 16:08 by