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RIF pain in the ED
read this first: abdominal pain in ED
right iliac fossa pain:
differential diagnosis:
- mesenteric adenitis
- terminal ileitis (eg. Yersinia, Crohn's disease)
- gynaecology causes:
- usually post-partum or assoc. with gynae. surgery, malignancy or PID
- fever, RIF pain & R pelvic inflammatory mass
- +/- retrograde extension into ileo-femoral vessels causing lower leg swelling
- +/- extension into IVF & risk of PE
- testicular torsion
- inflammatory bowel disease (eg. Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)
- groin herniae - these are usually occult in women and may cause neuropathic type pains
- uncommonly diverticulitis may cause RIF pain due to either:
- redundant sigmoid colon lying on the right but usually in those > 50yrs
- caecal diverticulitis - rare, probably congenital diverticula, usually in the 30's or 40's in Asian men, 80% are within 2cm of ileocaecal valve and nearly all are solitary; 60% are anterior and cause peritonitis; posterior ones may present as a mass simulating carcinoma or present in a more chronic form as a “grumbling appendicitis”
- other causes of chronic RIF pain
- chronic caecal amoebiasis due to E.histolytica - may also cause oral ulcers, chronic diarrhoea, and perianal absess/fistulae
- caecal carcinoma
- adhesions
- caecal distension - faeces or flatus
- abdominal wall nerve entrapment pain - usually discrete area of abdo wall is very sensitive to light touch
initial Mx in ED:
- urgent pregnancy test if not already known to be pregnant
- if pregnant & significant iliac fossa tenderness, Mx as per suspected ectopic pregnancy:
- ie. FBE, HCG, Gp & Hold, IV access (16G if severe pain), urgent US, senior consult
- examine inguino-scrotal region to exclude hernia/testicular torsion
- if child with very tender testes, contact paed. surgeon ASAP (within minutes)
- if adult with tender testes, consider US & epididymo-orchitis vs testes torsion (young adults mainly)
- if epididymo-orchitis then decide whether most likely UTI-based or STD-based as this will decide choice of anti's (see antibiotic guidelines online).
- FWT urine:
- if microhaematuria only (BUT absence of microhaematuria does not exclude renal colic), suspect renal colic if Hx fits
- don't do a KUB Xray (these are only really useful for ongoing monitoring of radio-opaque calculi)
- consider CT-KUB that day or next day IF pain not settling - avoid unnecessary CT scans, particularly if clinical picture is clear and pain settling
- consider admission to SSU for pain control
- US is usually preferred imaging modality unless elderly or obese and not pregnant and not a child, in which case contrast CT scan may be considered.
- if paediatric, blood tests not usually needed, consider US if female over age 8-10yrs
- if adult then:
- FBE + HCG if female aged 13-50yrs.
- if PH inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) then add erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (CRP) to assess activity
- if possible pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) (usually gradual onset pain) then Cx swabs for Chlamydia PCR & m/c/s
- if possible ovarian cyst or torsion of ovary (usually sudden onset pain) then pelvic US
- if it seems more likely to be appendicitis, contact surg. reg
- pain initially epigastric and migrated to RIF with anorexia, nausea +/- low grade fever
- max. tenderness over McBurney's point
- +/- Rovsing's sign - rebound tenderness LIF
- +/- psoas sign (pain on passive extension of the right hip) - esp. likely in retrocaecal appendicitis
- +/- obturator sign (pain on passive internal rotation of the flexed right thigh) - esp. pelvic appendicitis
- remember, pelvic appendicitis may have few abdo signs and present with diarrhoea
- if more likely to by gynae and pain not settling then contact O&G reg.
- if age > 50yrs, consider diverticulitis:
- suspect if change in bowel habit, tenesmus, esp. if fever but remember WCC only raised in 36%
- consider CT abdomen with contrast but check renal function first and ensure not on metformin before using iv contrast
- if sudden severe lower abdo. pain, becoming generalised with toxicity/peritonitis consider erect CXR to exclude perforated bowel secondary to diverticulitis
- if working Dx is diverticulitis, then Amoxyl + Flagyl, liquid diet for 48hrs, if more than mild, will need admission.
- if female and post-partum or post gynae surgery then consider pelvic vein thrombosis:
- pelvic color doppler US +/- CT abdomen
abdopain_rif.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/24 08:01 by gary1