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central / periumbilical abdominal pain in the ED
read this first: abdominal pain in ED
periumbilical pain:
differential diagnosis:
- bowel conditions:
- see bowel obstruction
- small bowel obstruction (tends to be more painful early with more vomiting but more poorly localised than LBO)
- aetiology:
- adhesions (40-60%)
- inguinal herniae (10-40%)
- neoplasms (7-20%) & rare causes eg. gallstones, FB, diverticulitis
- large bowel obstruction (LBO):
- aetiology:
- neoplasms (60%) esp. colonic
- diverticulitis (10-20%)
- volvulus (5-15%) - sigmoid volvulus more common than caecal volvulus
- uncommonly, faecal impaction, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ischaemic colitis, radiation colitis
- ischaemic colitis (eg. mesenteric thromboembolism due to AF)
- other causes of colitis
- paralytic ileus or pseudo-obstruction:
- aetiology:
- abdominal causes such as appendicitis, pancreatitis, perforated PU, pyelonephritis, retroperitoneal h'age;
- extra-abdominal causes such as pneumonia, AMI, rib or vertebral trauma
- metabolic causes - usually hypokalaemia but also hyponatraemia, uraemia, DKA, severe anaemia & hypoproteinaemia
- drugs such as opiates, anticholinergics, phenothiazines, tricyclics & anti-Parkinsonian
- rare causes such as CT disorders, amyloidosis, myxoedema
- in young children, remember, intussusception, malrotation!
- testicular torsion
- uncommonly, DKA
initial Mx in ED:
- FBE, U&E, LFT's, amylase, lipase, RBG
- IV fluids as indicated, keep nil orally
- consider urgent bedside US if > 50yrs and suspect abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
- abdominal distension without bowel sounds suggests paralytic ileus but if tenderness is present, this suggests it may be secondary to peritonitis
- high-pitched tinkling bowel sounds suggests mechanical obstruction
- localised tenderness may suggest gangrenous or perforated bowel
- generalised tenderness suggests peritonitis
- check for organomegaly or masses which may suggest malignancy
- PR may reveal empty rectum (suggesive of bowel obstruction), faecal impaction, rectal carcinoma, occult blood or stricture
- FWT urine +/- urine HCG to exclude pregnancy
- consider erect & supine AXR with erect CXR if not pregnant to exclude bowel obstruction and perforated viscus
- if sigmoid volvulus on AXR:
- discuss with surg. registrar ASAP
- if evidence of bowel ischaemia (eg. fever, tachycardia, peritonism, or air in bowel wall on plain CT abdo), then needs iv antibiotics and urgent surgery
- if no evidence bowel ischaemia, usually needs urgent rectal tube to decompress and this will usually resolve the volvulus
- if free gas under the diaphragm on erect CXR:
- this is a surgical emergency as indicates perforated viscus
- contact surg. reg. and senior ED doctor ASAP
- if bowel obstruction on AXR:
- if elderly or patient has AF, consider ischaemic colitis:
- serum lactate, ABG's
- plain AXR may show thumb printing of involved colonic segment, & in more advanced cases, there may be gas within the bowel wall, or, if perforation has occurred, free gas in the abdomen on erect CXR.
- if generalised peritonitis:
- IV fluid resuscitation, FBE, U&E, RBG
- erect CXR, erect & supine AXR
- if ascites, suspect spontaneous bacterial peritonitis:
- paracentesis for culture, WCC, protein, glucose, LDH
- WCC < 250/cu.mm makes SBP unlikely
- WCC > 500 is highly specific for SBP
- WCC > 10,000 or protein > 1g/dL or glucose < 50mg/dL or elevated LDH greatly increase the risk that the peritonitis is from a local cause
- early empirical antibiotics eg. cefotaxime but still high mortality.
- urgent surg. consult
- IV anti's as per surg. consult.
- if cause is not evident, consider urgent abdo. CT and discuss with surg. reg and radiology oral & iv contrast
- check renal function and if on metformin before giving iv contrast.
- CT scan is more sensitive for small bowel obstruction than AXR which is only 45-70% sensitive - the fluid and gas in the bowel may negate need for oral contrast for CT scanning
abdopain_central.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/10 14:47 by