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emergency medical retrieval services for transfer of the critically ill
see also:
- Victorian Trauma Advice & Referral Line ph: 1800 70 00 01
- NPT HATS (ph: 1300 628 728 or 1300 00 HATS) may transport the following without a medical escort (2013 guidelines):
- haemodynamically stable adults:
- Patients requiring active respiratory / cardiac monitoring, or treatment by a critical care nurse
- Mechanical ventilation (Dr. escort is required from sending hospital)
- Intravenous infusion of any drug (over and above GTN and Heparin)
- tracheostomy, intercostal catheter , central venous catheter or arterial line
- cardiac chest pain in past 2hrs
- BP < 100mmHg or HR < 50 or HR > 120 or resp. distress or RR > 30 unless chronic and stable
- temporary pacing wire
- GCS falling > 2 points in 24hrs
- suspected SAH, ruptured AAA, or meningococcal septicaemia
- major trauma or suspected spinal cord injury
- bleeding in 3rd trimester or labour
- haemodynamically stable children:
- those under 2yrs or intubated require doctor escort
- can take ICC, CVC, Arterial lines, Hickmann’s Catheters and iv infusions
- weight < 4.5kg
- major trauma or suspected spinal cord injury
- suspected SAH or meningococcal septicaemia
- GCS < 14
- signs of decreased perfusion, BP < 70-80 (age dependent), HR < 80, or HR > 130 (age dependent) unless chronic and stable
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prov/retrieval.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/23 08:22 by