the majority of infected persons develop gradual symptoms that become recurrent.
a small number of infected individuals experience an abrupt onset of abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea, vomiting, foul flatus, and fever which may last for 3–4 days before proceeding into a more sub-acute phase.
stools become greasy and malodorous but do not contain blood or pus because giardiasis does not involve dysenteric symptoms.
watery diarrhea may cycle with soft stools and constipation
upper GI symptoms including nausea, early satiety, bloating, substernal burning, egg-smelling halitosis, and acid indigestion may be exacerbated by eating and are generally present in the absence of soft stools.
anorexia, malaise, fatigue are common
weight loss affects more than 50% of patients.
other possible features: